Coarse-fine dosing screws for dextrose bagging line

Van Beek has engineered and produced two coarse-fine dosing screws for Behn + Bates of Münster in Germany, which can accurately fill bags with dextrose at high speed.

For fast coarse dosing both the large and small screw run. When approaching the required weight the large screw stops. The outlet valve is closed. The fine dosing screw then accurately fills the bag until the scales show that the bag has reached exactly the required weight. The fine dosing outlet valve is then also closed.

Behn + Bates is one of the most prominent manufacturers in the world in the field of bag filling installations, in particular for the feed and food industry. Behn + Bates therefore requires a very high level of finish for the dosing screws. All moving parts in the fine dosing system coming into contact with the product, including welds in contact with the product, have an Ra value of < 0.8 µm.

Last November these coarse-fine dosing screws were exhibited at the Solids Fair in Rotterdam by Van Beek, in early January 2010 the installation was commissioned via Behn + Bates.

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