New German agent to meet increasing demand for Dino

‘Van Beek mobile bulk truck loader is still ranked best’

Transport companies are increasingly often being asked whether they can take over the storage and transshipment processes for their clients. Germany, Austria and Switzerland are no exception in this area and we are seeing an increasing demand for our mobile bulk truck loader: the Dino.


We were therefore already looking for a suitable agent with the right knowledge to help our German-speaking clients further. We have now found him in Frank Müller, who is an old friend of Van Beek and sees big opportunities for the Dino in the area he covers: Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Experience with the Dino

Between 1998 and 2001, Müller previously served the German, Swiss and Austrian market as a Van Beek representative. Over this period he sold several Dinos. “One of the first Dinos that I sold at that time was recently overhauled and is still operating today in the vicinity of my home town of Kempen”, he explains. But at the time there was a greater supply than demand in his area and so Van Beek and Müller each went their own way.

Increasing demand

Because of the increasing demand from Germany, Müller is again now serving the German, Swiss and Austrian market, this time with the focus on the Dino. He sees opportunities for the mobile bulk truck loader in various sales areas. “But the most important development is that transport companies are increasingly often looking to take over the storage and transhipment processes from their clients. This involves for example the transfer of bags or big-bags into bulk trucks or sea containers. The Dino then of course offers an ideal solution.”

Still the best

Before Müller started working with Van Beek again, he first looked at whether there were not any other, perhaps better solutions. “But the Dino is still ranked best with its particularly strong characteristics: its high filling rate, its gigantic flexibility, its simple cleaning and a favourable price level.”

The persuasiveness of hundreds of practical examples

“Globally more than 350 Dinos have already been put to work in industry and transhipment companies. That gives me a massive number of practical examples with which I can persuade virtually every sector to work with Van Beek.”

With Frank Müller in our team we can serve our German-speaking clients better and faster. You can contact Frank on t +49 (0) 2152 551634, m +49 (0) 172 2877 959 or via

Would you like to become a Dino agent too?
Van Beek likes to work with agents to make the Dino available globally without any language barriers. The development in which transport companies are taking over the storage and transshipment processes from their clients can be found on every continent. Everywhere these companies are looking for a cost efficient and mobile solution that has already amply proved itself in practice.

With great pleasure we welcome new countries and new agents to spread the ‘Dino patch’ all over the world. Do you like the idea of becoming a Dino agent and do you have the necessary technical experience? Then contact our Mr. Bulk truck loader: Roel Kneepkens.

More Dino developments

If you would first like to know more about the Dino, take a look on or follow the latest developments relating to the Dino on the Facebook page of Mr. Bulk truck loader.

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